Medical Hypnosis Confirmed

There are real medical hypnosis benefits!  The effect is giving your subconscious mind instructions to heal your body ailments. Because your mind runs your body, it follows that it should be possible to affect biological changes in your body by giving your subconscious mind instructions through hypnosis. Thousands of medical studies verify the truth of this logical conclusion.

Below is a partial list of the medical issues that benefit from hypnosis. Following the list is the abstract of each study that validated the hypnosis benefits. This partial list indicates that whatever your medical issue, hypnosis will most likely contribute to a successful outcome!

Partial List of Medical Issues Benefitting from Hypnosis (validated by medical studies)

The Validating Studies

Documented Results in Contemporary Medicine

A review study of over a hundred clinical studies of hypnosis for medical procedures documents that hypnosis is beneficial for allergy, anesthesia for pain, anesthesia for surgery, warts, dermatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcers, abdominal surgery, healing from injury or surgery, hemophilia, hypertension, headaches, childbirth, asthma, smoking cessation, fibromyalgia, impotence, and urinary incontinence. “Many important trials reviewed have helped to establish the role of hypnosis in contemporary medicine. These trials have established the utility and efficacy of hypnosis for several medical conditions, either alone or as part of the treatment regimen.” (Cf. References, Study 13)

Success Rate 77 Percent for Drug Addiction

In a measure of 18 clients (15 for alcoholism or alcohol abuse, 2 cocaine addiction, and 1 for marijuana addiction), hypnosis showed a 77 percent success rate for at least a 1-year follow-up. (Cf. References, Study 14)

Hypnotherapy Bests Psychotherapy for Addicts.

In a comparative study of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in the treatment of methadone addicts, significantly more methadone addicts quit with hypnosis. At six month follow up, 94% percent of the subjects who received hypnosis remained narcotic free. (Cf. References, Study 15)

Lost More Weight than 90% of Others & Kept It Off

Researchers analyzed 18 studies comparing a cognitive behavioral therapy such as relaxation training, guided imagery, self-monitoring, or goal setting with the same therapy supplemented by hypnosis. Those who received the hypnosis lost more weight than 90 percent of those not receiving hypnosis and maintained the weight loss two years after treatment ended. (Cf. References, Study 16)

Most Effective Way to Stop Smoking

Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. A meta-analysis, statistically combining results of more than 600 studies of 72,000 people from America and Europe to compare various methods of quitting. On average, hypnosis was over three times as effective as nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone. (Cf. References, Study 17)

Guided Imagery Improves Cardiac Surgery Results

“Cardiac surgery patients who listened to a preop guided imagery surgical tape had significantly less pain, anxiety and two days shorter hospital stay.” (Cf. References, Study 18)

Real Medical Hypnosis Beneficial for Breast Surgeries

In a randomized study of 200 women undergoing surgery for breast cancer, those who received a brief hypnosis session before entering the operating room required less anesthesia and pain medication during surgery and reported less pain, nausea, fatigue, and discomfort after surgery than women who did not receive hypnosis. The overall cost of surgery was also significantly less for women undergoing hypnosis. (Cf. References, Study 19)

Real Medical Hypnosis Gives Blood Flow Control during Surgery

In a trial with 93 spinal surgery patients at the University of California (Davis) Medical Center, those who received specific instructions about blood flow lost about half as much blood compared to the controls and a third group taught relaxation techniques. (Cf. References, Study 1)

Hypnosis Re-routes Signal Away from Pain Center

When hot plates were applied to volunteers substantial pain was induced and the live brain scan showed the signal routed to the pain center. Under hypnosis little or no pain was experienced and the brain scans revealed that the signal was routed to other parts of the brain and not the pain center.  “It helps to dispel prejudice about hypnosis as a technique to manage pain because we can show an objective, measurable change in brain activity linked to a reduced perception of pain.” (Cf. References, Study 20)

Hypnosis Benefits Fibromyalgia

“In a controlled study, 40 patients with refractory fibromyalgia were randomly allocated to treatment with either hypnotherapy or physical therapy for 12 weeks with follow up at 24 weeks. Compared with the patients in the physical therapy group, the patients in the hypnotherapy group showed a significantly better outcome.” (Cf. References, Study 21)

Hypnosis Improves or Cures Dermatologic Disorders

A comprehensive review of dermatology studies spanning 32 years that involved hypnosis concluded: “A wide spectrum of dermatologic disorders may be improved or cured using hypnosis as an alternative or complementary therapy, including acne excoriee, alopecia areata, atopic dermatitis, congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma, dyshidrotic dermatitis, erythromelalgia, furuncles, glossodynia, herpes simplex, hyperhidrosis, ichthyosis vulgaris, lichen planus, neurodermatitis, nummular dermatitis, postherpetic neuralgia, pruritus, psoriasis, rosacea, trichotillomania, urticaria, verruca vulgaris, and vitiligo.” (Cf. References, Study 22)

Hypnosis Effective for IBS

“Previous research from the United Kingdom has shown hypnotherapy to be effective in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The current study provides a systematic replication of this work in the United States.” (Cf. References, Study 23)

Preoperative Suggestions Improve Abdominal Surgery Outcomes.

In a single-blind trial of abdominal surgery patients, to whom a 5 minute script was read preoperatively suggesting increased gastrointestinal motility after surgery, the suggestion group had significantly shorter ileus time (disruption of bowel movement) and was discharged two days earlier, with an estimated savings of $1200. (Cf. References, Study 24)

Hypnosis for Dementia

Forensic psychologist, Dr. Simon Duff, (Univ. of Liverpool) compared the effects of hypnosis therapy with those of mainstream therapies for people suffering from dementia, and group therapy in which participants were encouraged to discuss news and current affairs. Working in partnership with Dr. Dan Nightingale over a 9-month period, Duff established that people living with dementia who had been given hypnosis therapy exhibited improved concentration, memory and socialization compared to the other two treatment groups. Relaxation, motivation and daily living activities also improved with the use of hypnosis. (Cf. References, Study 25)

Hypnosis Speeds Wound Healing

In a randomized, controlled trial, 18 healthy women were randomized to one of the three treatments after breast reduction surgery: usual care, additional supportive attention, or additional hypnosis sessions targeting accelerated wound healing. The hypnosis group’s objectively observed wound healing (digital imagery and staff blind to groups) was significantly greater than the other two groups, indicating that use of a targeted hypnotic intervention can accelerate postoperative wound healing. (Cf. References, Study 26)

Hypnosis Speeds Fracture Repair

In a study at Mass. General’s Dept. of Bone and Joint Disease in Boston, 12 adults with bone fractures were followed for 12 weeks, to measure how hypnosis accelerated their healing. Radiographic results showed dramatically improved healing at 6 weeks in the hypnosis patients. Orthopedic assessments of mobility, strength and need for analgesics showed greater improvement in the hypnosis patients at weeks 1, 3 and 9. The hypnotic intervention included audio taped suggestions to reduce swelling, stimulate tissue growth, and fusion at the injury site, and counteract pain and stress; and imagery rehearsals of greater mobility, enhanced bone strength and recovery of normal activities. (Cf. References, Study 27)

Hypnosis for Burns

“Hypnosis has a part to play in nearly every aspect of burn care, from the initial visit through tubbing and grafting, and finally to rehabilitation. Early hypnosis attenuates the inflammatory response to the injury, limiting the usual progression of the burn from first degree to second degree, or from second to third. Procedural pain can be controlled. Guilt or anger about the accident need to be alleviated, caloric intake can be increased, and active participation in physical therapy can be enhanced.” (Cf. References, Study 28)

Hypnosis and Female Incontinence

Fifty incontinent women with proved detrusor instability completed 12 sessions of hypnosis (symptom removal by direct suggestion and “ego strengthening”) over one month. At the end of the 12 sessions, 29 patients were entirely symptom free, 14 improved, and 7 unchanged. Three months later cystometry in 44 of the patients showed conversion of the cystometrogram to stability in 22 and a significant improvement in a further 16; only 6 showed no objective improvement. …”It is concluded that psychological factors are very important in “idiopathic” detrusor instability and that hypnotherapy is effective for incontinence due to this disorder.” (Cf. References, Study 29)

Hypnosis and Male Sexual Dysfunction

A study comprised 79 men in whom clinical and laboratory examinations revealed no organic cause for their impotence were treated with testosterone (20 men), trazodone  (21 men), hypnosis (20 men), or a placebo (18 men), all of comparable age groupings. Their reported results by interview at 4, 6 and 8 weeks after treatment were verified by interviewing their partners. Conclusion: “The only treatment superior to placebo seemed to be hypnosis.”  (Cf. References, Study 30)

Real Medical Hypnosis Underutilized

Five case histories demonstrate the dramatic and sometimes unexpected beneficial outcomes of medical hypnosis. “Hypnosis is suitable for patients with the following medical conditions: chronic headache, chronic back pain, psychogenic weakness or paralysis, chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, panic attacks and phobias.” (Cf. References, Study 31)

 Hypnosis Works As General Anesthesia

197 thyroidectomies and 21 cervical explorations for hyperparathyroidism were performed under hypno-sedation and compared to a closely matched population of patients operated on under general anesthesia.  All patients having hypno-sedation reported a very pleasant experience, had significantly less postoperative pain, significantly reduced analgesic use, significantly shorter hospital stay, providing a substantial reduction of the medical care costs. Their postoperative convalescence was significantly improved, and full return to social or professional activity was significantly shortened. (Cf. References, Study 32)

Hypnosis Makes Tinnitus Nuisance into Pleasure

A combination of relaxation and imagery was used to teach an altered perception of their chronic tinnitus to a series of clients, for all of whom medical intervention had proved ineffective. After some training sessions, the hum which had been troubling them became a cue for relaxation and peace. Thus, whenever they became aware of their tinnitus it came to be welcomed where prior to intervention it had been a constant irritant. (Cf. References, Study 33)

Hypnosis Permits Ignoring Tinnitus Noise

32 patients, variously diagnosed as suffering from tinnitus, were treated with hypnosis. Treatment consisted of a 1-hour consultation with the physician followed by 4 weeks of daily home practice while listening to an audio-tape recording of approximately 15 minutes duration. 22 of the patients treated learned in only 1 month to disregard the disturbing noise. (Cf. References, Study 34)

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